- Invest in regional development
The collective vision of SEAF partners, end users and stakeholders is for:
- A national SEAF hub to oversee priority development areas around Australia to assess cumulative environmental impact.
- Regional SEAF spokes in high growth economic development zones, where industry may have an impact on the environment, or where environmental monitoring is required.
- Achieve better outcomes for Australia’s environment whilst delivering on regional development priorities.
SEAF has been built to scale up. It is currently operational in Western Australia – and its success and learnings can be applied to a scaled-up model at a national level.
The following map shows examples of regional priority development zones where SEAF could be utilised.

2. Realise rapid value creation
SEAF is proposed to be funded by a combination of government, industry and research institutions.
- This ensures it is independent and can enable objectivity and rapid value realisation.
- The independent legal entity has robust, representative governance and collaborative partners.
- SEAF will drive standards and consistency, and will support sustainable, nature positive outcomes

3. Accelerate national environmental reform
- In light of global and national pressures for reform, now is the right time to invest in SEAF, which is designed to deliver immediate regional benefits and long-term national benefits.
- SEAF will accelerate the implementation and adoption of national environmental reform – it will allow end users from multiple sectors to access shared data and analytics, enabling more informed decisions that consider the environment.

4. Invest in the nature positive journey
The community demands greater transparency in decisions and greater accountability in protecting natural assets and biodiversity conservation. These expectations are driving changes in the way governments and industry invest, undertake planning and development, and report on their activities.
- Make more informed decisions, with greater certainty and transparency.
- Access to shared data, information and models that are current, easily accessible, able to be interpreted and most importantly, trusted by all stakeholders, provide end users with greater certainty in making decisions.
Want to engage with the SEAF project?
Contact us:
Professor Owen Nevin, CEO, WABSI owen.nevin@wabsi.org.au
Dr Luke Twomey, CEO, WAMSI luke.twomey@wamsi.org.au