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Improving existing management

Increasing knowledge to mitigate cat impacts on biodiversity: Research Program Focal Area 2 – Improving existing management

Addressing research priorities

Would you like to undertake high-impact research that really makes a difference? WABSI consults extensively with end users and stakeholders to identify priority biodiversity science knowledge needs. This helps us develop timely and relevant programs that address critical needs and have a strong pathway to adoption.

Developing projects that address key end user priorities can help maximise project funding opportunities and will lift the impact of your research.

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Focal Area 2 – Improving existing management

The efficacy of options for feral cat management are improved, based on evidence-based prioritisation of optimum methods taking into account local context, resource availabilities and
conservation objectives

The efficiency and effectiveness of currently available control methods for cats are enhanced while minimising non-target impacts and optimising humaneness

Improvements in baiting delivery mechanisms result in less non-target impacts and better uptake by feral cats

The extent of land (and the number of wildlife populations) benefitting from effective cat management is significantly increased

Evaluate cat control methods by multiple measures of success, including the welfare of prey
and non-target impacts, and provide options for management with a local context

Optimise the use of existing control methods by improving the acceptance of lethal baits to
feral cats and developing alternative delivery mechanisms, lures and deterrents that enhance
feral cat uptake while reducing non-target consumption

Enhance existing feral cat management by integrating control measures and indirect land management practices (e.g. fire, grazing management)

Quantify the efficacy of Indigenous feral cat control and determine if this knowledge can be integrated into other cat control methods to improve efficacy

Establish a clearer understanding of how best to include cat control in integrated management
programs for introduced predators
4. Assessing and prioritising existing control strategies

5. Refining lethal technologies, lures and deterrents

6. Land management practices including Indigenous knowledge

7. Integrated, introduced predator control

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