Increasing knowledge to mitigate cat impacts on biodiversity: Research Program Focal Area 1 – Social licence and value proposition
Addressing research priorities
Would you like to undertake high-impact research that really makes a difference? WABSI consults extensively with end users and stakeholders to identify priority biodiversity science knowledge needs. This helps us develop timely and relevant programs that address critical needs and have a strong pathway to adoption.
Developing projects that address key end user priorities can help maximise project funding opportunities and will lift the impact of your research.
To work with the WABSI collaboration of partners in addressing priority issues, submit a project abstract. (Please demonstrate a clear alignment with one or more priority knowledge gaps.)

Focal Area 1 – Social licence and value proposition
Broad acceptance of cat management approaches and their justification, leading to more effective contributions by the public and stakeholder groups in cat management Evidence-based information to support links between feral, semi-domestic and domestic cats underpins social licence and public acceptance of the importance of responsible pet ownership Improved understanding of the significance of cats to Indigenous communities and land managers Increased awareness of the impact of cat predation on native fauna, including incorporating the welfare of native animals preyed upon by cats into the assessment of feral cat management An improved understanding of the economics of feral cat management, taking into account variation in control methods, landscape context and impact variability, and financial impact on stakeholders | Determine how to address and manage the issues that impede the widespread acceptance of cat control, including definitions and control targets, the lack of awareness of cat predation impacts on native fauna, and the lack of awareness of the health impacts of cat-vectored diseases Assess the value and impacts of cats to Indigenous culture, and the role of the Indigenous community in cat management Determine the current extent of social licence to support current and emerging methods to control feral cats in Western Australia and then either secure and maintain it or develop and maintain it Achieve a clearer value proposition via a cost-benefit analysis of different control methods that examines efficiency, effectiveness and animal welfare | 1. Improving community understanding and involvement 2. Social licence to support existing and novel control 3. Economics of cat management and control |