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SEAF: Shared Environmental Analytics Facility

A proposed facility

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Our work in managing biodiversity data and information is being recognised globally and Western Australia is serving as a model for other jurisdictions in environmental information streamlining, sharing and curation. We now need to put information to its full use and get the greatest value possible for proponents, regulators, traditional owners and the wider community.

Developing a shared mechanism for unlocking the value of shared data and analytics – Enabling cumulative environmental impact assessment

Our next challenge – the crucial analytics that describe, at any point in time, the state of our environment, the pressures and cumulative impacts upon it, the predicted risks associated with future development, and how to assure protections.

WABSI and the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) are working with end users of environmental data and other stakeholders to develop a shared mechanism, in the form of an analytics facility, SEAF, which will:

  • Leverage successful initiatives in data sharing and curation, and existing services and capabilities across corporate, government and science sectors.
  • Deliver more efficient, complete, robust, transparent and assured environmental accounting, risk assessment and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting for regulators, private industry, traditional owners and the wider public.

Supporting nature positive outcomes

  • SEAF presents an opportunity to create a shared, robust, repeatable and sustainable environmental information value chain to transform environmental assessment, reporting and assurance for regional development, and for supporting nature positive outcomes.
  • SEAF will support the development of State of the Environment and reporting on Country, whilst implementing the recommendations from Independent Review of the EPBC Act – Final Report which called for the adoption of National Environmental Standards, digitisation of environmental impact assessments and the creation of an efficient environmental information value chain.


Positioning Western Australia as a leader in digital environmental assessments

WABSI and WAMSI continue to engage widely to ensure all relevant stakeholders have a voice in shaping and endorsing a value proposition for SEAF. Two feasibility studies have been developed to establish regional SEAF spokes in Western Australia, with a central State hub that would oversee operations and provide good governance.

SEAF Pilbara (Report excerpt) – A report excerpt on a regional hub in the Pilbara can be accessed below and needs to be considered in the context of the full report.

SEAF Cockburn Sound (Report excerpt) – A report excerpt on a regional hub in Cockburn Sound can be accessed below and needs to be considered in the context of the full report.


Full report – Details on the proposed facility including the operating model, governance and implementation plan is available on request. Contact

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