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Who benefits from SEAF?


SEAF gives you a better understanding of current environmental condition and future impact

  • Environmental reporting and dashboards show a snapshot of environmental condition.
  • Independent regional assessment reports enable cumulative environmental impact assessment.

SEAF users can access transparent information and trusted, predictive models

  • Secure information zones, separating confidential data from shared data: Information sharing enables more informed decision-making and is separate from areas that hold confidential data.
  • Fit-for-purpose analytics and models: Users access relevant analytics and models that are accepted and trusted by regulators and stakeholders, allowing greater certainty in management decisions.
  • Efficient, user-friendly access to information: Technical and non-technical users can access dynamic information that can be easily understood, interpreted and applied for decision-making.

Want to engage with the SEAF project?

Contact us:

Professor Owen Nevin, CEO, WABSI

Dr Luke Twomey, CEO, WAMSI

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