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Population ecology and behaviour

Increasing knowledge to mitigate cat impacts on biodiversity: Research program focal area 5 – Population ecology and behaviour

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Focal area 5 – Population ecology and behaviour

The impact of landscape attributes, land use, fire and grazing on cat ecology and behaviour is understood and used to refine and improve control techniques
The population dynamics of cats, including abundance, densities, social structures and gene flow, is understood in regard to predation threat and cat control efficacy and can subsequently be used to improve control options
Fewer pet cats become strays; and fewer strays become feral
The extent of land (and the number of wildlife populations) benefitting from effective cat management is significantly increased

Improved techniques to effectively monitor feral cat populations (abundance, range, dynamics)

Quantify how cat ecology and behaviour responds to control methods and outcomes, landscape attributes (including prey species’ dynamics), land use (e.g. grazing) and events such as fire

Characterise the genetic structuring and gene flow within cat populations to understand spatial movements, metapopulational structure and effective population sizes

Understand the extent of recruitment across the spectrum of cat groupings (pet, stray and feral), and mechanisms that can be used to disrupt the ingress of pets to strays and strays to
feral cats
12. Indirect management measures

13. Cat behaviour (bait avoidance, social structure, reinvasion)

14. More effective cat population monitoring

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