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News March 28, 2017

Building and sharing biodiversity data

Author: Chris Gentle, Node Leader, Biodiversity Information Management Perhaps the fundamental challenge to managing biodiversity information is not technical, but cultural, where “creating a culture of shared expertise, robust common data standards, policies and incentives for data sharing and a system of persistent storage and archiving of data”, is considered essential, according to the Global…

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Increasing the efficiency of biodiversity surveys

Author: Dr Lesley Gibson, Node Leader, Biodiversity Survey One of the key messages from users of biodiversity information is the need to make biodiversity surveys more efficient so that decisions regarding land management can be made in a timelier manner, but also with less uncertainty. There are a number of relevant tools that are increasingly…

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Updates January 15, 2017

How do we identify issues that science can help address? 

Our key guiding principle is that science must address the needs of those who require quality biodiversity data to make decisions. Consequently, engaging with end-users is the first step we undertake to identify issues and gaps in knowledge. Each of our research partners has a representative on our Collaboration, Leverage and Integration Committee (CLIC). Based…

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Updates October 16, 2016

Research leaders engaging with end users

With an executive team recently on board, WABSI is well-positioned to help integrate biodiversity knowledge in the state. Leading W.A. researchers have been appointed as Research Node Leaders who are engaging with end users to prepare a draft research plan. With state-wide collaboration, we aspire to build the most robust and pre-eminent research plan for…

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