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News May 12, 2018

Embarking on a subterranean fauna research program

Following several months of extensive consultation with end-users and the research community, WABSI has identified key knowledge gaps that hinder informed decisions regarding subterranean fauna. This little-known group of mainly invertebrates has been considered in many environmental impact assessments since the mid-1990s. A research program and prospectus that articulates a clear value proposition to potential…

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Updates November 28, 2017

Shedding new light on subterranean fauna

    Western Australia’s Pilbara and Yilgarn regions are two areas that are rich in organisms broadly classified as subterranean fauna. These species occur in either the groundwater (stygofauna) or above the water table in caves and voids (troglofauna). This highly diverse fauna are a key consideration in many environmental assessments in Western Australia. However,…

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Tapping the power of science to help restore mine sites

At a recent workshop, WABSI helped participants to explore the possibility of establishing a Centre for Research Collaboration (CRC) that, if established, would address knowledge gaps and the critical challenges involved in mine site restoration across Australia. There is a real need to develop best practice solutions that provide not only a good environmental outcome…

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Updates September 14, 2017

Finding value in abandoned mine shafts 

When valuing abandoned mine sites, the potential historical, cultural, social, environmental, educational or economic value of an abandoned mine site needs to be considered. The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute has identified the research capacity to enhance knowledge about these sites in terms of their environmental values. Over the next six months, a new project will…

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Updates September 4, 2017

Independent science to help inform post-mining rehabilitation

In an exciting landmark project, The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI), is bringing together resource companies, researchers and regulators to help develop knowledge that will improve the outcomes from post-mining rehabilitation across Western Australia. The project will review state and international research on the physical and biological aspects of completion criteria, which are standards…

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News August 14, 2017

Restoring Roe 8

Published in Particle Magazine 10 August 2017 It’s one of the most controversial mass environmental disturbances in recent WA history. But, surprisingly, the scrapped Roe 8 project is not all bad news. Let’s remove ourselves from the politics for just one second. Remove all thoughts of legalities, economics, and industrial implications of the project. What…

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News June 28, 2017

Beautiful Banksia woodlands

“The book synthesises more than 20 years of knowledge and is a great example of how industry-scientific partnerships can deliver leading solutions.  It represents how partners can work with WABSI to maximise research and achieve fantastic outcomes that benefit both business and community.” Vern Newton, Hanson Construction Materials. The book is a guide to help…

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Supporting mine site research

A new partnership has triggered the process for researchers and industry to work together and map the way forward for restoration research on Banded Ironstone Formations (BIFs) of the Yilgarn Plateau. The WABSI and Centre for Mine Site Restoration (CMSR) partnership brings together Curtin University, the University of Western Australia and Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority…

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Conserving wetlands: what don’t we know about the drying South West?

Author: Dr Ashley Sparrow, Node Leader, Processes and Threat Mitigation What’s the real issue? As WABSI consulted with land managers and legislative regulators to explore what we still need to learn about management and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems in WA, we discovered that the issue of a drying region is a priority concern to…

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News June 26, 2017

End user questions shape future of subterranean fauna research

When users of subterranean fauna information including resource organisations and regulators came together at a recent workshop hosted by WABSI, they realised that despite their different needs, they all agreed on one thing: we need to know what we don’t know. The workshop, organised in conjunction with the Chamber of Minerals and Energy acknowledged that…

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