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October 16, 2016

Research leaders engaging with end users

With an executive team recently on board, WABSI is well-positioned to help integrate biodiversity knowledge in the state. Leading W.A. researchers have been appointed as Research Node Leaders who are engaging with end users to prepare a draft research plan.

With state-wide collaboration, we aspire to build the most robust and pre-eminent research plan for Western Australia that helps develop capabilities, tools and methodologies in key aspects of biodiversity science.

Meet the Node Leaders and read about the Collaboration, Leverage and Integration Committee (CLIC).

Although there is substantial biodiversity research published each year in the state, there is widespread agreement that the effort is fragmented. WABSI aims to help this process so it can better inform policy and land use decisions to better balance conservation outcomes and sustainable development. See the research framework.

WABSI was officially launched late last year after extensive consultation. It is a joint venture between nine participants.

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