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News May 10, 2022

WABSI webinar: Tackling nature loss risks to the global economy and reducing impacts

Online event (Completed). A recording is not available for this event. Thursday 16th June 2022 4.00pm-5.30pm (Australian Western Standard Time)

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News March 25, 2022

WABSI webinar: Renewable energy and biodiversity – The challenges and opportunities of scaling up wind and solar

Click here to watch this webinar on-demand Online event (Completed) Tuesday 3rd May 2022 4.00pm-5.30pm Australian Western Standard Time

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Biodiversity data: Our digital journey – Enabling trust, efficiency and confidence

Late last year WABSI and WAMSI consulted with more than 50 stakeholders regarding the need for innovation in how we inform decisions affecting our environment and economy. Consistent feedback indicated: An increasing expectation among industry stakeholders, governments, traditional owners and the wider community that the information used in decision-making needs to be more comprehensive, transparent…

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Research program continues to generate strong support

The Subterranean Fauna Research Program continues to generate strong support from industry, government and others, with biodiversity science expertise contributed from multiple disciplines. Since the publication of the Research Update 2021, projects continue to make good progress: A scoping exercise for Pilbara crustaceans (amphipods, isopods, bathynellaceans) is well underway to locate, assess and organise collections,…

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Collaborative program launched to address weed threats to biodiversity in Western Australia

A new research program, released today by The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI) entitled “Addressing Weed Threats to Biodiversity” will enhance an understanding of weeds, their impact on native biodiversity and control options to reduce the threats. The program prioritises eight focal areas for research and was developed by WABSI through consultation with a…

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