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News November 21, 2016

Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority – New Biodiversity Collaboration

Excerpt A range of government and university conservation bodies will join forces to form a new WA Biodiversity Science Institute, tasked with protecting and conserving the State’s unique flora and fauna. Premier and Science Minister Colin Barnett will tonight launch the new institute, which is a collaboration between the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, Department…

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News November 14, 2016

Department of Mines and Petroleum – New biodiversity institute promises clarity

Excerpt Protecting Western Australia’s rich biodiversity while enabling economic development should be easier in the future thanks to a new scientific institution. The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI) is a partnership between government departments, industry, and research bodies. WABSI Chief Executive Officer Peter Zurzolo said the institute would provide a way for improved access…

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Updates October 16, 2016

Meet the Board and CLIC

Our governance framework guarantees that we remain focused on addressing end-user knowledge needs and place Western Australian biodiversity research capability at the forefront of global biodiversity scientific endeavour. A review of best-practice governance models for mission oriented multi-sector research collaborations was used to guide the final governance arrangements for the Institute. Read more. Meet Professor…

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Research leaders engaging with end users

With an executive team recently on board, WABSI is well-positioned to help integrate biodiversity knowledge in the state. Leading W.A. researchers have been appointed as Research Node Leaders who are engaging with end users to prepare a draft research plan. With state-wide collaboration, we aspire to build the most robust and pre-eminent research plan for…

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News October 15, 2015

CSIRO – Protecting Western Australia’s biodiversity, one daisy at a time

Excerpt Western Australia is big. So big that the United Kingdom could fit into it more than 11 times. It’s biologically diverse, too. Breathtakingly so. Incredibly, there are more species of flowering plants in one national park in the South West of Western Australia than there are in all of the United Kingdom. One flowering…

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The West Australian – Institute to protect WA biodiversity

Excerpt A range of government and university conservation bodies will join forces to form a new WA Biodiversity Science Institute, tasked with protecting and conserving the State’s unique flora and fauna. Premier and Science Minister Colin Barnett will tonight launch the new institute, which is a collaboration between the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, Department…

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News October 14, 2015

The University of Western Australia – New biodiversity science institute for Western Australia

Excerpt The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI) has officially opened at The University of Western Australia, with the aim to bring together a database for information about WA’s enormous variety of animals and plants. The Institute, launched by Premier Colin Barnett, will house the State’s biggest collective of data about Western Australia’s unique and…

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Government of Western Australia – Premier launches biodiversity science institute

Excerpt Protecting Western Australia’s rich biodiversity while enabling economic development will be easier in the future thanks to a new scientific collaboration and co-ordination efforts actively supported by the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority. Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority seed collector on a conservation mission. The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI) is a partnership…

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News September 16, 2015

The Australian

Excerpt Bringing together the biodiversity profile of an entire state will be the aim of a new science institute to be opened by West Australian Premier Colin Barnett next month. The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute will invite some of the state’s biggest mining companies to hand over valuable flora and fauna survey material, previously…

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