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March 28, 2018

New initiative to enhance resilience of urban biodiversity

A major challenge confronting policymakers, industry leaders and land managers is how to optimise biodiversity management and achieve a better balance with the need for economic development in Western Australia.

It is often difficult to balance social, economic and environmental needs.  Stakeholder interests, motivations and constraints are diverse and each interest group generally works within its own remit, often focusing only on asset management.

The urban environment represents one of the most challenging places to balance these diverse interests.  To address this need, WABSI is developing an initiative to provide an integrated view across all aspects of the urban landscape.

We have started to develop a multi-faceted approach to help connect stakeholders, and identify and prioritise shared knowledge gaps.  The knowledge gaps will then be addressed through targeted and coordinated research, informed by end user requirements for improved decisions.

We are structuring our review and consultation around two key areas: ecosystem restoration and urban forests.  Together, these domains deal with both the remnant native bush within our urban boundaries, as well as the increasingly important vegetation that is scattered throughout the matrix between remnants.

WABSI invites your contributions to further develop this initiative. Please contact Dr Bruce Webber, Program Director, Ecosystem Processes and Threat Mitigation at


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