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January 15, 2017

Inaugural WABSI PhD top up scholarship

Applications close soon: 31st January 2017

We are seeking a PhD student who can make a positive contribution to the increased understanding of Western Australia’s biodiversity, in line with our purpose and principles.

The maximum duration of the scholarship is 3.5 years, subject to satisfactory university approved progress and performance.

Eligible research activities need to demonstrate contribution to the improvement, modification, adaptation or increased understanding of Western Australia’s biodiversity.

Specific research areas or interests that are encouraged include, but are not limited to:

Restoration and ex Situ Conservation

  • Investigation of species enhancement tools and understanding of species introduction impacts to ensure long term persistence of populations
  • Investigation of innovative breeding, sourcing and storage options to enhance the capacity for ex-situ conservation of Western Australian Biodiversity.
  • Investigation of climate resilient ecological restoration in the highly fragmented south west
  • Investigation of post mining rehabilitation technologies or approaches and systems that can be used to evaluate and assess restoration success

Biodiversity Survey

  • Investigation of the application of new technologies for increasing the efficiency of biodiversity survey e.g. molecular/genomic techniques or remote sensing technologies
  • Investigation of approaches to vegetation mapping applied at regional scales
  • Investigation of innovative modelling approaches to predict genetic diversity and gene flow, and/or patterns in species/ecological communities at regional scales (consideration of conservation planning and decision support tools as a value-add)

Threats and Process

  • Investigation of climate change impacts and integrated management options for vulnerable ecosystems such as the wetlands of south west WA
  • Investigation of biodiversity impacts and evaluation of management interventions across multiple interacting threats and chronic decline of ecosystems
  • Investigation of innovative approaches for prioritising the management of threats to species and communities of conservation concern



To apply, you must:

  • be a current holder of, or be approved for, an existing base scholarship such as an Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend scholarship ( previously referred to as an APA scholarship) or an industry‐based fund of similar merit
  • have been granted enrolment acceptance in an appropriate full‐time Higher Research Degree (HRD) program at a recognised Australian university to commence study in 2017
  • be enrolled in, or intending to enrol in a PhD
  • conduct research within the list of The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute related research disciplines and interests
  • be enrolled at a Western Australian University and be based in Western Australia for the duration of their enrolment

Download Application Form and General Conditions of Award

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